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Step Up Your Game And Take the Fuller Health Fitness & Paddle Challenge

Fuller Fitness Challenge

Fuller Fitness Challenge

So we all take our paddling & our health pretty seriously right? Well then why leave anything to chance and put some science behind it.

The new Fuller Health Paddle and Fitness challenge will give you the actual data to find our just where your health is at. What is the Fuller Health Paddle and Fitness challenge? This challenge is probably like no other you have done because it is precise, can fit into a busy schedule, is fun, and you will get results!! This simple challenge will help you make better choices and come out feeling great on the other side of those mess-up-your-health-holidays just around the corner. Don't wait for New Years Resolutions get on it now!

Who is this recommended for? Everyone! This is a challenge for you and not to be confused with winning and loosing. Unless you consider winning living a longer fuller life that is.

This challenge will cover 3 pillars of fitness
1. Cardiovascular Health
2. Orthopedic Health (Strength/Power/Flexibility)
3. Body Mass Index (BMI - Fat to Lean ratio)

What you will need:

Heart rate monitor with GPS, SUP Board & Paddle, Life Jacket and Leash, Paddle (SUP Gear will be available for rental through 101 Surf Sports or Bluerush Board Sports). If you want to step up your game then 101 Surf Sports will be offering a discounted 30 day unlimited paddle pass during the challenge dates. For only $79.99 you can have unlimited on-site access to the 101 Rental Fleet and paddle as often, and as long, as you like during our normal business hours.

Here is how it works

In order to be precise and know you have improved it will be necessary to get a lean to fat ratio measurement. The dates for BMI measurement will be done by Endurance Performance Training Centers (EPTC). You will have between October 21st & 31st to get it done. Done by appointment. Lean to Fat ratio test $35.00 for two tests! The official challenge start date is November 1st and will end December 22nd. Retest your BMI.

The cost to be part of this Challenge is $215.00 and includes 2 BMI tests. Payment must be made by November 10th however you can pay less and register by October 15th for only $195.00!

You will have 2 date options to get the following data to start your challenge: Tuesday November 1st or Thursday November 3rd a 2 mile time trial that will be recorded with all your data. The following will be measured in distance or time: Horizontal jump test, hanging bar test, wall sit, medicine ball throw and 2 flexibility test (tba), paddle.

Lean to Fat Ratio Measurements: Measurements for Lean to fat ratio need to be done at Endurance Performance spots between October 21st and 31st Retest December 15th to 29th.

Point system: Points will be accumulated for most improvement in BMI, improvement in wall sit, pull up hang test, medicine ball throw, flexibility testing (to be announced at time of meeting).You will also accumulate points for attending and participating in spontaneous activities Jen will post on the private Facebook page.

Jen will plan 4 paddle and workout times during the challenge and score will be kept on a spreadsheet on Google docs that Jen will share on FB. Here is how we will kick it off Tim Fleming from Endurance Performance Training Center and I will be giving a talk on Aerobic Wellness: Efficiency, Training and Fueling. Do not miss this! Points will be accumulated for attending. Click Here For Information.

Turn your body into a high performing machine! If you want to train for life then start training as if it is not separate from the rest of your life! Jen Fuller Fitness is all about training for life and above all increasing your health on many levels so lets get started!

Contact Jen Fuller to sign up or with any questions!
