New Winter Hours Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Surfboard Ding Repair


101 Surf Sports prides ourselves on being a full service shop and strives to offer the highest quality Surfboard ding repairs we can to get you back on the water as soon as possible. While each repair must be taken for its own unique challenges we do our best to get your board fixed as soon as possible.

We do not accept boards that are wet. The reason is that if we repair a board that still has moisture inside of it, the board will delaminate. There are ways to test if the board has moisture inside. Use tissue paper and make a wick and place it in the ding and then check it to see if it is wet or not. 

If you want to save a trip and get a quote, send a picture to or give us a call at 415-524-8492.

We service the San Francisco Bay area and are located in Marin County in San Rafael.