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Moonlight Paddle Tours - San Rafael

Moonlight Paddle Tour San Francisco Bay

Moonlight Paddle Tour San Francisco Bay

Come join us each Full Moon for a paddle under the moonlight with a 101 Surf Sports Paddle Guide at your side. You can choose from Kayak or Stand Up Paddle Craft and paddle under the light of the full moon. We will depart from the shop and have a leisurely paddle and bathe under the moonlight.

Low light photography will be attempted, and free pictures will be available electronically after the event.

Apres moon paddle we'll have some light beverages back at the shop.

Location: 101 Surf Sports San Rafael

Cost: $20 - you bring your own board or boat. Includes lights, tour guide, and pictures.

OR add $29 to include rental of a board/kayak, leash, lights, life jacket, paddle, tour guide and pictures.

No first time paddlers. You should have paddled a few time before this and atleast have the basics down.

What to Wear - This is a night time paddle so neoprene is recomended. Warmer paddling clothes - long pants & long sleeves - with some fleece liner or a light windbreaker at the minimum. Also bring a change of clothes and a towel just in case.

Note the shop will be closed and locked while the group is on the water.

To book your spot, follow this link and select the date of the tour you want. We look forward to paddling with you!