New Winter Hours Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Tide Seminar Thursday February 9th

tides and currents semignar

tides and currents semignar

The dynamics of water can take a lifetime to understand. We'll share with you our accumulated knowledge to help you improve your ability to read water. 

Join us and paddling legend John Dye (pictured below) for a deep dive on Bay Area tides. If you are looking for the inside scoop on how the water moves this is for you. Thursday, February 9th 5:30 pm

In this free semignar we will cover; 

  • Tides & Currents - The sun & moon
  • Rivers, Oceans, and Bays 
  • How to read the water (fresh & salt)
  • How to be safe and/or maximize/minimize the impacts of moving water
  • Planning your adventures / gear 

john dye tide talk

Please feel free to bring your favorite potluck dish or adult beverage. We'll set the table with some light snacks of our own.


  • Arrivals start at 5:30pm
  • SemiGnar starts at 6:00
  • 7:15 Q&A
  • 8pm wrap up

No RSVP is Needed and late arrivals are OK.