Learn To Outrigger Canoe With He'e Nalu

All winter long the He'e Nalu club is hosting some newcomer paddles for those that may be just a little Outrigger curious.
Paddlers of all ages are welcome. Whether you are a recreational or competitive paddler's everyone is welcome! First you'll l learn about the sport on land, including its rich history in Hawaiʻi and Polynesia. Then try out what you learned in the 6-person canoes on the water.
The sessions are free and run at 9:30 am on most Sundays at 101 Surf Sports in San Rafael, lasting about 90 minutes.
Space is limited so reserving ahead of time is required.
Please RSVP by email at hello@heenaluocc.org
Learn more at https://www.heenaluocc.org/newcomers/