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Ospreys Be Warned Bald Eagles Are Back In Marin

Bald eagles spotted in Tiburon

Bald eagles spotted in Tiburon

At first we thought it was a fluke, or possibly a hallucination (its been a rough year), but we have confirmed a pair of Bald Eagles have been hanging around Tiburon and San Rafael. Here's where to keep your eyes peeled. (photo courtesy

Our first sighting was back in September. As we were on our morning paddle around the Marin Islands we saw a single bird perched on a tree. We have since seen a second bird (or perhap the same one) a second time in the exact same place. Making things interesting is that this is the normal domain of our resident Osprey's. We are pretty sure no Osprey is going to tangle with these eagles. You don't realize how big they are until you see them in person.

Map to see bald eagle in marin

Our third sighting was during the Sea Trek Etc Paddle Race last October. As we headed up Racoon Straights we saw a single bird fly right over head as we ca past Ayala Cove on Angel Island. Despite being pretty raggedy tired we took a moment to pause mid race and take in the sight of the bird gliding majestically with the Golden Gate in the background. While we can imagine a century past when the birds were regulars this was a pretty special sight.  

bald eagle spotted in San Rafael

After a quick query of some locals in the know we have figured out they are nesting/hanigin out at Keil Cove in Tiburon. While its an adventure that requires planning the map at top hightlights your best place to get lucky and catch a glimpse. 

Here's a map to our local Osprey nests while we are at it. Please always respect wildlife and never disturb them. Observe is cool. Disturb is not. There is another pair of Osprey nesting on top of the pole just opposite the Richmond Bridge Toll Plaza. 

Osprey Nest

Continuing the theme we have alos had a few King Fishers living year round in our canal. Their aerial prowess is fun to watch. When you throw in the recent return of our River Otters we are happy to report nature seems to be on the rebound in these parts. 

kingfisher in san rafael