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101 Dock Now Closed To Public - Where to go?

101 Surf Sports Dock is closed to the public

101 Surf Sports Dock is closed to the public

We have circled the wagons. As it's becoming more and more obvious that this will extend in to the months ahead we have a bit of an interim game plan to keep the business alive.

As part of the Marin County Health order we have closed the 101 Surf Sports dock to public access. In lieu of launching here we wanted to try to give you some other options. If we are to continue to fulfil our mission of promoting access tto he water for our health and sanity we'll have to find new spots, and adopt new procedures for using them.

In fact it's a mission now more than ever that drives us. As a community we will need to find new ways to safely ensure our physical and mental health. In the months, yes months, ahead getting out on the water will literally be medicine for the souls of many who are struggling in confinement. The big challenge will be doing so safely not just for yourself, but for all those around you.   

Part of our personal strategy of coping with all this is doing more than is being asked of us. They say 6ft we do 10ft.  With that as a backdrop we also know accessing the water in the months ahead will not be the same. We need to do things differently. 

For example heading to Bolinas to surf right now is a bad call. The location simply can not handle it safely no matter what measures we put in place. If you pull in to Crissy Field to wind or kitesurf and it's packed down, then move on. You'll need to zig when the herd zags.

It's a little bit of a catch-22 if we simply roll out our secret spots list, and yes we have some, without some guideline those locations could soon be under assault. So we came up with come criteria and hope the community will responsibly use them. These spots offer some inconvenience over where we normally go but it's those very inconveniences that make them work. We'd also like to hear any ideas you have on these or other locations so please send them to us. at

A couple of new rules for the new world;

  • If the parking/scene shows "crowd" move on, you missed it. 
  • Go early. Go late. Zig when they zag.
  • Do more than is being asked of you in Social Distancing.
  • Stay 10 feet away from all people all the time. 
  • Paddle alone - do not "meet your friend for a paddle/sail".
  • For safety sake make sure someone knows you are out paddling/wind/kite.
  • Come and go. Do not loiter at all at any location. You are using up space for others. Make it a tactical mission and then get home. 

 Criteria for spots to get in the water (these days)

  • Not a draw for people normally to do other things (hike, walk, scenic etc)
  • large open area
  • ample parking with extra space
  • no single point of access
  • relatively safe access to the water
  • the more off the beaten the path the better. 

A couple spots that we think fit the bill. These spot are more dangerous in both access and conditions. Never paddle with out knowing weather and tide conditions and with the proper gear. Radio, Life Jacket, lead, proper attire are all super important. If the launch is too difficult do not use it. 


  • Larkspur Landing - Windsurf Beach to San Quentin Prison Gate - Better with high tide. To be safe paddle up Corte Madera Creek. Rocky beach so where booties.
  • Seminary Drive Mill Valley (see picture below). This spot needs at least 2.5ft of water depth to be usable. 
  • Pier 15 launch ramp (San rafael) - Carefull. Slippery and some what dangerous ramp. Better when at least 2 ft of water but always paddle-able. 
  • Petaluma Turning Basin (Check to see if open - can anyone confirm?)
  • The Marina At Martinez aka the Martinez Marina
  • Pt. Molate Richmond
  • Seminary Drive Mill Valley pictured below. (avoid popular Harbor Court Launch) Medium to high tide only. 
  • Beach Park next to Terrapin Crossroads. 
  • Beach next to Marin Rod and Gun Club 
  • San Quentin Beach (Backside San Quentin) Very limited space and advanced paddlers only here. 
  • Master Rock Dancer? You can actually access the water from the San Rafael Target. However it requires a minimum of 2.5ft of water and you wll have to scale a rock rip rap to do so. 
  • In the South Bay consider India Basin or Candlestick Park. Wind and tides at these locations can be fierce so be safe. 

paddle launch spot

We again stress the requirement for our community to be ambassadors of safety. While we understand the need to get outside is strong the need to flatten the curve is stronger so when in doubt don't go out.

If you know of other places - or see of any problems with these locations please let us know. While there is a list of other launch sites on the Bay Area Sea Kayakers Trip Planner they are on the beaten path so please apply extra caution when checking to see if they are open and safe to use.  

As we said above the 101 Surf Sports Launch site is now closed to the public. The crowds we were drawing are simply not safe and based on the Marin County Health Department guidelines the dock at 101 Surf Sports has been closed to public use. We hope this post helps people find safe access and provides some relief in the coming months

We know these time are trying and we know they days ahead will be more so. Together however, doing more than is asked of us, we will win this battle. 

Reach out with any questions or comments to

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone effected by this. We pass on some extra appreciation and love for our first line responders. The nurses and doctors and other medical professionals are literally at war and we are forever grateful for their service. We close with the theme of our approach to all this - Do More Than Is Asked Of You.

Get Tide Information here. 

We are still able to sell gear online and ship it to you. 

We have rolled our curbside pick up for all phone or ecommerce orders. Your order is place in an outside locker for pick up at your convenience with no human interaction. Shop here.

 Questions? Call the shop as we are still here most days 415-524-8492. Call Cort's cell at 415-699-7979 or David's cell at 415-524-8492.