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Blue Skies With Glowing Orb Blesses Paddle Race #4

Stand up paddleboard racing on San Francisco bay with Godzilla

Stand up paddleboard racing on San Francisco bay with Godzilla 

Blues skies and sunshine (aka the glowing orb) made a cameo appearance at race number 4 in the 101 Surf Sports Paddle Race Series and we took full advantage. (Pictured Godzilla at the finish line)

With a cadre of Surfski, Outrigger Canoe, Stand Up and Prone Paddleboards, and kayaks this was one race that celebrated diversity in all its facets. We served up our normal 6-mile-long course around the islands alongside the 2-mile short course that peek-a-boo’s out in to the bay before returning home.

While many of the day’s efforts were hard fought, we have to single out a few for some special mention. First up was Zach Alva’s paddle of the day performance in the Surfski division on the long course. This was Zach’s first time racing in the adult division and Mr. Alva served notice with an impressive 3rd place finish. Next up was Starboard Ambassador Patrick Alteri. Patrick need help from Treston Vorac however to make it happen. Why the need for help? They paddled a tandem Starboard inflatable! Now that’s our speed – nice work boys.(pictured Vincent Huang finishing in a flurry of bubbles)

Bubbles at the finish line. Now that's finishing in style.

After racing we treated the racers to a taste-o-surfski. We busted out our new fleet of Epic Surfski’s and got the paddlers to take a taste of pure speed. We saw many ‘oh-my’ expressions when they felt the pure glide these super-fast boats can deliver.(pictured below is Mark Prior on his V7 Epic Surfski narrowly besting Robert Lambros at the finish line)

Epic Surfski's locked in battle at the finish line

We have to pass on a heaping helping of thanks to all our supporting partners. Hint Water was flowing and Kind Bars were in ample supply. 101 North Brewing did their thing and did it well. We have to make a special mention of thanks to Derek and Amy O’Connell. The O’Connell’s are moving to Oregon and someone had to help them out by taking possession of their Kegerator. We were happy to oblige. Thanks Derek and Amy! The Fruit Guys balance us out with a cornucopia of fresh fruit. Fresh fruit you can have delivered straight to your home or office. DO IT! There was not a sugar low among any of the racers. Why? Mamie’s Pie’s and Three Twins Ice Cream that’s why. Thanks, as well to the San Rafael Police boat for keeping everyone safe on the water. (pictured is Onboard SUP Yoga's Ashley Taylor in perfect form crossing the line.)

Onboard SUP has racing game!

A special thanks to everyone who raced. We are so stoked to see so many first-time racers and the growing fleet of kids taking to racing. Keiki power is powered by parents and for that we all say thank you.

Coming up next is a super active race calendar. You can many more races and fun activities by checking out the 101 Surf Sports Calendar.

February 18thWavechaser Fort Baker

February 26thBluerush Race Sausalito.

Paddle Racing at the boat showWe then announced a brand-new race at the upcoming Pacific Power and Sail boat show in Marina Bay Richmond. While we won’t have our normal après party race scene your $20 entrance fee will also get you access to the boat show. Race in the morning and boat show in the afternoon. Now that’s a day that’s fun for the whole family. Saturday April 9th. More information Click here.

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Complete Results at bottom.

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Short Course take off 6 minutes

Long Course SUP take off 1 minute

Long Course Boats - as is

Event Name       Name(s)              Craft      Age Group          GenderTime      Rank      Div Rank

Long Course       Carter JohnsonSurfski Single      18-55     male      00:43:13.85         1              1

Long Course       Amy Byers, Elaine Baden               Surfski Double   18-55     female  00:46:41.56         2              1

Long Course       Frank Peronetto               Surfski Single      18-55     male      00:46:42.93         3              2

Long Course       Zachary Alva       Surfski Single      under 18              male      00:46:48.08         4              3

Long Course       Paul Macintyre  Surfski Single      Sr. Masters 55+male      00:48:12.21         5              1

Long Course       Doug Kidder       OC-1      Sr. Masters 55+male      00:52:17.57         6              1

Long Course       Misha Riszkiewicz            Surfski Single      Sr. Masters 55+male      00:55:01.97         7              2

Long Course       Shannon Hartnett            OC-1      18-55     female  00:55:57.21         8              1

Long Course       Mark Prior           Surfski Single      18-55     male      00:56:40.31         9              3

Long Course       Robert Lambros Surfski Single      Sr. Masters 55+male      00:56:42.86         10           3

Long Course       Team CrimminsOC-2      Sr. Masters 55+male      00:57:35.04         11           1

Long Course       Mike Staninec    Surfski Single      Sr. Masters 55+male      00:59:10.43         12           4

Long Course       Ryan Funk           SUP 12'6"             under 18              male      00:59:53.90         13           1

Long Course       Haakon Hoyer-Nielsen   SUP 12'6"             under 18              male      01:01:34.43         14           2

Long Course       Chad RaugewitzSUP 14'18-55     male      01:01:35.50         15           1

Long Course       John Dye              SUP 14'Sr. Masters 55+male      01:04:01.39         16           1

Long Course       Hong Chin           Surfski Single      Sr. Masters 55+male      01:04:39.35         17           5

Long Course       Shawn CallahanSUP 14'18-55     male      01:04:43.88         18           2

Long Course       Daniel Alvarez   SUP 14'18-55     male      01:04:50.22         19           3

Long Course       Cary Fergus        OC-1      Sr. Masters 55+male      01:05:44.65         20           2

Long Course       Carlo Maravilla  SUP 12'6"             18-55     male      01:06:00.10         21           1

Long Course       Patrick Alteri/Treston Vorac        SUP Unlimited   18-55     male      01:07:25.83         22           1

Long Course       John Walsh         SUP 12'6"             18-55     male      01:07:58.82         23           2

Long Course       Dave Hook          SUP 14'Sr. Masters 55+male      01:09:30.40         24           2

Long Course       Shanna Upton   SUP 12'6"             18-55     female  01:10:15.59         25           1

Long Course       Tyler Brooks       SUP 14'under 18              male      01:10:33.98         26           1

Long Course       Rob Sinclaire      SUP 14'18-55     male      01:11:02.66         27           4

Long Course       Helen GallagherOC-1      Sr. Masters 55+female  01:11:59.03         28           1

Long Course       Darren Howe     SUP 14'18-55     male      01:12:11.67         29           5

Long Course       Sean Mosbey     SUP 14'18-55     male      01:12:20.71         30           6

Long Course       Leo Montero     SUP 14'18-55     male      01:12:29.93         31           7

Long Course       Madeleine KingSUP 12'6"             Sr. Masters 55+female  01:15:46.03         32           1

Long Course       Mary Spicer        SUP 14'18-55     female  01:16:21.48         33           1

Long Course       Vincent Huang   SUP 14'Sr. Masters 55+male      01:20:53.78         34           3

Long Course       Kim Charlesworth            SUP 12'6"             18-54     female  01:21:08.65         35           1

Long Course       Richard Carpenter           SUP 14'Sr. Masters 55+male      01:22:18.71         36           4

Long Course       Douglas Wirth    SUP 14'Sr. Masters 55+male      01:22:27.45         37           5

Long Course       Christian Gilby   SUP 12'6"             18-55     male      01:22:53.96         38           3

Long Course       Amy Mosbey     SUP 14'18-55     female  01:24:04.06         39           2

Long Course       Rune Hoyer Nielsen        Prone Stock        18-55     male      01:24:09.05         40           1

Long Course       Bella Ferriter      SUP 12'6"             18-55     female  01:26:43.59         41           2

Long Course       Claudia Breuer  SUP 12'6"             18-55     female  01:27:50.32         42           3

Long Course       Kate CarpenterSUP 14'Sr. Masters 55+female  01:49:17.21         43           1

Short Course      Jasper Caddell   Surfski Single      under 18              male      00:26:45.62         1              1

Short Course      Craig Caddell      Surfski Single      Sr. Masters 55+male      00:28:31.84         2              1

Short Course      Chloe Madden  Surfski Single      U-18      female  00:29:35.68         3              1

Short Course      Mike Mccoy        Surfski Single      Sr. Masters 55+male      00:30:56.96         4              2

Short Course      Cyrus Alva           Surfski Single      under 18              male      00:32:12.68         5              2

Short Course      Trevor Steffen   SUP 14'under 18              male      00:35:54.21         6              1

Short Course      Jeff KayProne Unlimited               18-55     male      00:37:01.62         7              1

Short Course      Takahiro Chino  SUP 14'18-55     male      00:39:31.13         8              1

Short Course      Dan Preston       Sea Kayak            18-55     male      00:40:37.82         9              1

Short Course      Nathalie Chan King ChoySUP 12'6"            18-55     female  00:41:24.63         10           1

Short Course      Ashley Taylor     SUP 12'6"             18-55     female  00:41:26.00         11           2

Short Course      Christa PrestonSUP 12'6"             18-55     female  00:41:27.00         12           3

Short Course      Brenna Raugewitz            SUP 12'6"             18-55     female  00:41:28.00         13           4

Short Course      Justin Beddecarre            SUP 14'18-55     male      00:43:07.20         14           2

Short Course      Teresa Wang      SUP 14'18-55     female  00:43:16.05         15           1

Short Course      Arline Thomas   SUP 12'6"             Sr. Masters 55+female  00:44:10.65         16           1

Short Course      Jennifer Tripathy              Surfski Single      18-55     female  00:45:49.86         17           2

Short Course      Shelly Howe       Prone Stock        18-55     female  00:47:50.04         18           1