Paddle Racers Hitch A Ride On The Pineapple Express

With a race motto of “rain or shine we are on the line” we were feeling a bit tested as we rolled up on the starting line. South South West winds were building and forecasted to hit the 30’s. With that information in hand we opted to change up the course to keep the paddlers in the lee of Greco island. The long course was a box course with two laps and the short course pulled up early on lap one to make for a nice 2.5 mile trip.
Before racing started it was a cornucopia of beautiful fresh fruit courtesy race sponsor the Fruit Guys. Get some delivered to your home or office just click this for the best delivered fresh fruit around.
Just as the race was set to start the rain kicked in. The good news was that the warm rains completely killed all the wind to make for very nice flat conditions.
Our next race is the big one. Thirteen miles from Fort Baker to San Rafael. Sponsored by Terrapin Crossroads the race is known as the Long Strange Trip and is set to go this Saturday December 17th. The race is for advanced paddlers only. More Information on the Long Strange Trip.
Sorry about the lack of photos but just too much water falling from the sky to break out the camera.
Special thanks to Westpoint Harbor for hosting on the day. What a spectacular place to paddle.
Thanks to all who paddled and see you at the next one.
Short Course
Last Name First Name Course Craft Age Group Time Place
Chen Andrew Short OC-1 18-54 33:00:00 First OC1 Men Short
Vargas Ana Short OC-1 18-54 37:51:00 First OC1 Women Short
Adair Christopher Short SUP Under 12'6" 18-54 40:41:00 1st SUP Men
Reyes Siomara Short SUP 14'18-54 44:05:00 1st SUP Women Short 14'
Robinson Sarah Short SUP 12'6" 18-54 46:12:00 1st SUP Women Short 12'6
Cheney Bill Short SUP Under 12'6" 18-54 47:40:00 2nd Man SUP short
Chan King Choy Nathalie Short SUP 12'6" 18-54 49:52:00
Helmetag Ashley Short SUP 14'18-54 53:03:00 2nd SUP 14 women Short
Long Course
Sun Matthew Long OC-1 18-54 51:20:00 1st OC Men
Li Terence Long OC-2 18-54 55:28:00 1st OC2
Kay Jeff Long OC-1 18-54 55:30:00 2nd OC men
Staninec Mike Long Surfski Single Sr. Masters 55+ 56:28:00 1st Surf Ski
Mcfadyen Grant Long SUP 14'18-54 56:56:00 1st SUP 14
Lee Orion Long OC-1 under 18 60:10:00 1st Junior OC
Gandolfi Robin Long OC-1 18-54 60:33:00 1st OC women
Lam Brendan Long OC-1 18-54 62:05:00 3rd place oc
Miller Dan Long SUP 14'18-54 61:27:00 2nd place sup 14
Sears Geoffrey Long Surfski Single Sr. Masters 55+ 62:53:00 2nd surfski men
Abrams Claire Long Surfski Single 18-54 62:53:00 1st surf ski women
Willin Jamie Long SUP 14'Sr. Masters 55+ 61:58:00 3rd SUP 14 men
Wicks Barry Long SUP 14'18-54 62:40:00
Alvarez Daniel Long SUP 14'18-54 62:50:00
Leong Gary Long SUP 14'Sr. Masters 55+ 78:19:00 1st SUP 14
Kong Allen Long OC-1 18-54 79:50:00
Laberge Scott Long SUP 12'6" Sr. Masters 55+ 79:33:00 1st SUP 12'6 men
Groswird Alex Long SUP 14'Sr. Masters 55+ 81:00:00