November 16th. First Race Of The Season! REGISTER HERE

New Winter Hours Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Rocking Whole Foods St. Patricks Day Paddling Race Storms San Rafael

Team Oracle racing Jimmy Spithill leads the paddleboard fleet off the starting line.

Team Oracle racing Jimmy Spithill leads the paddleboard fleet off the starting line.

Whole Foods Paddling Race #2 St. Patrick's Day was a rocking and rolling affair both on and off the water with just under 100 paddlers taking to the water in a diverse fleet of paddle powered craft.(pictured Team Oracle Skipper Jimmy Spithill leads the fleet off the line) All photos Courtesy Ron Steinau)

Outrigger Canoes on the San Rafael Canal He'e Nalu style

Whole Foods support stand up paddling!2 Six Man Outrigger canoes (pictured above), a Fleet of Stand Up & prone Paddleboards, OC1's, Kayaks and surfski's were on the line and ready to go under blue skies and 74 degree weather. With a whole foods catered breakfast supplying the fuel it was a day of fast times and fast fun. The paddlers were further motivated by a Whole Foods sponsored lunch at the finish line that would be washed down with limitless Hint Water and the sound of Surf Music vibing through the air courtesy The Deadlies.

The Deadlies doing their thang!

For those that haven't heard The Deadlies before it's a treat no waterman (that's ladies too) should go with out – in fact you're listening to them right now. If you missed the show make sure to catch the Deadlies at their next show in Danville April 3rd 9:30pm at Meenar's or on Santana Row in San Jose on April 7th. Click here for full Deadlies schedule. . Can't make those dates the shows catch them on TV at every Saturday night on KOFY TV 20 called Creepy KOFY Movietime it's on at 11:PM. Homebody? Well then head on over to iTunes or click here and download to your heart's content!


Werner Paddle's Taylor Robertson

The racing action was a mix of fun family paddling and hard charging elite paddlers. Marin Magazine's Mimi Towle was joined by her daughter Natalie and when queried on the starting line by the race director are you ready to go Mimi was quick to show she was dialed in to the 101 Vibe. "I am competing to have the most fun", said Towle! That however was a toughly contested prize. (Pictured at right Taylor Robertson of Werner paddles was in the house and giving free paddle demos - thanks Werner!)

Nikki Gregg rocking the pink vestpac

VestPac the ultimate on the water hydration kitVestPac jumped into the racing fray with the donation of 4 Vestpacs - Check it out - Nikki Gregg sporting her new Pink VestPac Hydration kit.

On the racing side of the action on the long course (5.5) miles it was some tight competition in all classes. Let's start out with the Outrigger Canoe's. First off we'd love to see more OC's on the line and the best way to get your OC game on is by hooking up with He'e Nalu Outrigger Canoe Club that makes their home here at 101 Surf Sports. And boy would they like to recruit Jeff Kay to paddle with them. Jeff's 53:40 minute time was good enough for the overall course win. Jeff was joined by He'e Nalu's Les Scanlan in second place and Craig Woodyatt in third. It was an all He'e Nalu battle in the 6 man boats with Boat #1 taking the win in relatively easy fashion. Tom Sher backed up his race win in the first race of the year with another victory for the surfski class.

Jen Fuller of Fuller Health

Sticking with the long course it was America's Cup Skipper Jimmy Spithill showing he can wield a paddle as well as he does a tiller. Spithill topped the podium but it was by no means an easy win. Brad Seyffer was leading the second half of the race on him at every turn only to be gapped as the two entered the canal on the return trip. Seyffer took second with Boga Paddleboards Dave Meyler in third. For the 12'6" side of the game it was a Bogalicious podium that saw Jeramie Vaine putting in a breakthrough performance in beating one of the Bay Area's best paddlers Ben Sarrazin. In a scoring oversight third place should have been awarded to John Walsh –to complete the Boga Podium Trifecta. For the ladies 12'6 Jen Fuller (pictured at top), of Fuller Health, does what she usually does – WIN! Madeleine King (pictured below) took second while Cathy Huang took third. Nice work ladies!

Madeleine King Stand Up Paddler

The finish of the day has to go to the Prone class. Zack Cohen (pictured below) showed youth was no disadvantage over the more seasoned prone fleet he was racing in and he took home the bullet. It was however an impressive battle for second that had the on-looking crowd on their feet and cheering as Mitch Cohen and Bryan Thomas were locked mano y mano in a tight battle for second. Cohen's hard charge at the line was good for second place with Thomas taking third. Also impressive was Thomas's display of sportsmanship in not protesting Cohen's slight miscalculation at the finish line. That's how the prone fleet rolls – class all the way.

Zack Cohen digs in on his Prone Paddleboard

APR Realtor Dino Wilson sold a house and took home first place in the Men's 12'6 Masters division. Now that's a nice day. Steve Smith took second with Bojan Bernard in third. For the men's 14 footers it was Bluerush Boardsports Owner Stephen Pugh succumbing to his own team rider Fred Andersen. Steve may want Jeff Gillooly to visit Andersen before next race. Quick commercial brake for the upcoming Battle of the Bay event – mark your calendars for the August 17-18 event – it's a not to be missed affair. Third place in the men's masters 14 went to Grant Smith. Grant needs to stop by 101 to pick up his loot as an error in the registration process cheated him from recognition at the event.


On the short course James Subido was again the winner for the 14ft SUP's only this time he was pushed to the very end by a charging Marty Gates as the duo raced down the canal. Third place in the 14 foot fleet went to Randy Nelson. For the ladies 14 footers it was once again Teresse Marie Tucker (pictured top left) on top, with Karen Growney (pictured top right) in second. 3rd place went to first time racer Marissa Muller – nice! Ryan booth was the class of the field for the 12'6" SUP's with Rich Palesano powering his 12'6" Jimmy Lewis Slice to second place. On the ladies side of the business for the Stock SUP Class it was the X12 SIC of Windi Heaton first to cross the line. Michelle Craig was second and Ellen Albhom completed the podium in third.

Shane Rathle budding star in the San Francisco Bay Area Stand Up Paddleboarder

We had two paddles of the day winners. First up was Junior Shane Rathle (pictured at left) who has consistently improved every race. This race was a bit of a coming out party for the young Rathle who turned in a scorching 34 minute time that was good for the Junior fleet win and fourth place overall. Sweet! Sticking with the Juniors for a moment it was Natasha Towle in second and Jake Gomez in third. Both need to come on by the shop to collect their prizes!

Second on paddle of the day honors was the Dog of kayak paddler Drew Testwuide (pictured below). As the kayak powered by Testwuide neared the finish line his ride along pal – that's right he raced with his dog – the dog leapt off the kayak to take the win over his owner! Second place (third if you count the dog) for the boats went to Thom Markham.

Dog Power!

101 Surf Sports tries not to play favorites but we unabashedly show our stoke for the Surfboard class. Racing a surfboard is the perfect representation of what paddleboard racing should be; fun and fitness and it was smiles all around for Tasha Hammer, Bridgett Duffy, and Rachel Campos who came 1-2-3 respectively for the women. On the men's side of the business it was Kris Muller taking the win over Reda Boustani.

A special thanks to all the volunteers but especially Arline Thomas for all her support. Speaking of support please support the businesses that support our sport and to be specific that is Whole Foods Market, Hint Water, VestPac, Werner Paddles. And one more shout out to the Deadlies for tearing the place down. One more thanks to Ron Steinau aka AnSUPel Adams for all the photos. And finally big thanks Mark Heedon and the San Rafael Police Department (pictured below) for on the water safety – thanks guys!

The San Rafael Police Department Supports Stand up paddleboarding

Some notes to make on your calendar.

Swap Meet March 23rd – Free to sellers and buyers. More Information.

JP Australia SUP Demo Day March 30th. More Information

Marin Brewco Escape from San Quentin April 13th. More Information

Starboard SUP Demo Day April 14th More Information

Sandwich Island Composites Demo Day April 27th More Information.

SUP Race Clinic – May 4th. More Information

Cinco De Mayo Race at 101 May 5th. More Information

Ron Steinau Photo Gallery with free downloads - Click Here. Dont Miss Jean Rathle's GPS Tracks of the long course race just below the results.

Womens 12'6" Long Course Podium L-R Jen Fuller, Madeleine King, and Cathy Huang

Left to right Jen Fuller, Madeleine King, Cathy Huang

Pictured Below the mens 14ft Short Course Podium. L-R Randy Neslon, James Subido, Marty Gates.

SUP Short Course 14 Foot Winners Randy Nelson, James Subido, and Marty Gates

Mens Long Course 14ft SUP Podium L-R Davie Meyler, Brad Seyffer, Jimmy Spithill.

Mens 14ft SUP Podium Dave Meyler, Brad Seyffer, Jimmy Spithill

Mens 12'6 Long Course Top 2 L-R Ben Sarrazin and Jeramie Vaine

Stand up paddlers Ben Sarrazin and Jeramie Vaine

Mens Masters 12'6' SUP Podium L-R Steve Smith and Bojan Bernard

Mens 12'6 SUP Long Course left to right Steve Smith and Bojan Bernard

Men's Winning OC6

He'e Nalu Outrigger Canoe 6 man winning team

Womens 12'6' Podium SUP - L-R Windi Heaton, Ellen Albhom, Michelle Craig.

Womens SUP 12'6' Short Course winners Windi Heaton, Ellen Albhom, and Michelle Craig

Pictured Below Mens 14ft long course Masters Winners Fred Andersen and Steve Pugh.

Fred Andersen and Stephen Pugh

And now what you have been waiting for the full results.

Name Time   Division Length Course  
Jeff Kay 53:40:00   oc1 oc1 long 1st place OC1
Tom Sher 55:15:00   surfski surfski long 1st place Surfski
Les Scanlan 56:15:00   oc1 oc1 long 2nd place OC1
Craig Woodyatt 56:33:00   oc1 oc1 long 3rd place OC1
Jake Lambert 56:39:00   Ultd Unltd long 1st place Unltd
Jimmy Spithill 57:34:00   sup 14 long 1st Place SUP 14 Men
Brad Seyffer 57:58:00   sup 14 long 2nd Place SUP 14 Men
Jeramie Vaine 58:07:00   sup 12 6" long 1st place men 12'6"
David Meyler 58:15:00   sup 14 long 3rd Place SUP Men 14
Benjamin Sarrazin 58:16:00   sup 12 6" long 2nd place Men 12'6"
Jean Rathle 58:36:00   sup 14 long  
Joel Comer 58:38:00   sup 14 long  
Ben Galland 59:00:00   SUP 14 long  
Taylor Robertson 60:29:00   sup 14 long  
OC 6 - #1 60:50:00   OC6 oc6 Long Winning OC6
Fred Andersen 60:50:00   sup 14 long 1st Place Masters 14 SUP
Joe Mosquera 62:06:00   sup 14 long  
Dino Wilson 62:57:00   sup 12 6" long 1st place Masters 12'6" SUP
Steve Pugh 63:14:00   sup 14 long 2nd Place Masters Men SUP 14
John Walsh 63:20:00   sup 12 6" long 3rd place men 12'6"
Grant Smith 63:40:00   sup 14 long 3rd place Masters Men SUP 14
Steve Smith 63:47:00   sup 12 6" long 2nd place Master Men 12'6"
Zack Cohen 63:51:00   Prone 12 long 1st place Prone
Kevin Growney 64:11:00   sup 14 long  
Jen Fuller 65:03:00   SUP 12'6" Long 1st Place Womens
Bojan Bernard 65:27:00   sup 12 6" long 3rd place Masters Men 12'6" SUP
OC 6 - #2 66:11:00   OC6 oc6 Long  
Dave Jensen 66:54:00   sup 14 long  
Barry McKeown 67:57:00   oc1   long  
Brad Coburn 69:30:00   sup 12 6" long  
Mitch Cohen 70:05:00   Prone 14 long 2nd place prone
Brian Thomas 70:10:00   prone 14 long 3rd place prone
Rod De La Rosa 70:42:00   SUP 14 long  
Steve Hunt 70:53:00   sup 12 6" long  
Gary Leong 71:02:00   sup 12 6" long  
Dave Rosenlund 71:39:00   Prone 14 long  
Madeleine King 71:56:00   SUP 12 6" long 2nd place womens
Bruce Albhom 72:43:00   SUP 12'6" Long  
Vincent Huang 72:44:00   sup 12 6" long  
Yulian Ivanov 72:46:00   sup 14 long  
Cathy Huang 73:48:00   sup 12 6" long 3rd place womens
Steven Juliani 78:55:00   sup 12 6" long  
Emily Matthews 79:33:00   SUP 12'6" Long  
Leslie Tighe 80:31:00   sup 12 6" long  
James Subido 32:08:00   SUP 14 Short 1st place mens 14 SUP
Martin Gates 32:16:00   SUP 14 Short 2nd place mens 14 SUP
Teresse Marie Tucker 34:02:00   sup 14 short 1st place women sup 14
Shane Rathle 34:02:00   sup 12 6" short 1st place Juniors
Randy Nelson 34:58:00   sup 14 short 3rd place mens 14 SUP
Ryan Booth 35:08:00   sup 12 6" short 1st place mens 12'6' SUP
Karen Growney 36:10:00   sup 14 short 2nd place womens 14 SUP
Rich Palesano 36:23:00   SUP 12'6" short 2nd place mens 12'6"
Drew Testwuide 37:47:00   kayak kayak short 1st place kayak
Kris Muller 38:14:00   SUP 11 6" short 1st place SURF Men
Jeremy Watson 39:27:00   Prone Unltd short 1st place prone
David Meyers 40:47:00   sup 14 short  
Tasha Hammer 41:10:00   sup surf short 1st place surf women
Bridget Duffy 41:15:00   sup surf short 2nd place surf women
Windi Heton 42:15:00   sup 12 6" short 1st Place womens 12'6"
Rachel Campos 42:44:00   sup 12 short 3rd place surf women
Marissa Muller 43:44:00   SUP 14 short 3rd place womens 14
Michelle Craig 43:44:00   sup 12 6' short 2nd place womens 12'6"
Brian Rossetti 44:00:00   sup 14 short  
Lynn Spradling 44:50:00   sup surf short  
Jonny Fry 45:23:00   SUP   Short  
Reda Boustani 46:16:00   sup surf short  
Whitney Peel 47:45:00   sup 11 short  
Alex Mastro Danato 47:55:00   SUP 12'6" Short  
Ellen Albhom 50:05:00   SUP 12'6" Short 3rd place womens 12'6'
Leah Muller 50:28:00   SUP 10 6" short  
Janice Callahan 51:32:00   SUP 12'6" Short  
Frank Barteck 51:33:00   SUP 12'6" Short  
Thom Markham 53:20:00   kayak kayak short second place kayak
Deborah Texeira 54:46:00   SUP surf short  
Mimi Towle 56:15:00   sup surf short  
Natasha Towle 56:15:00   sup surf short second place junior
Stacy Weeks 58:01:00   sup surf short  
Roxanne Gomez 60:30:00   SUP SURF SHORT  
Jake Gomez 61:00:00   sup surf short 3rd place junior