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Whole Foods Paddle Racing Season Kicks Off In Fine Fashion

Stand Up Paddleboard Racing on San Francisco Bat

Stand Up Paddleboard Racing on San Francisco Bat

The 2013 Whole Foods Paddle Racing season kicked off with a bang under blue skies and fair weather normally found in summer. (Pictured the long course fleet storms off the starting line - all photos credited Captain Ron Steinau)

Whole Foods Market supports Stand Up PaddleboardingThe day's action saw paddlers assembled in all manner of craft with Outrigger Canoes, Stand Up Paddleboards, Kayaks, and Surf Ski's taking to the water. And a well fueled fleet it would be with Whole Foods serving up the innovative Engine 2 nutritional regimen. What's that? Engine 2 is a line-up of products that are plant-strong. That means they are made from nature's best ingredients: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds. The diet strives to use zero animal products, never adds oils, minimize the use of sugar & sodium (if at all), and tries to get less than 25% of the total calories from fat per serving. Click here for more information on the Engine 2 diet.

The day started off with what looked to be a stiff wind blowing across the course but by the time the race had started it had relinquished itself to a light 4-8mph breeze. Racers had two choices to choose from on our course menu for the day. The 2.1 mile short course or the nearly 6 mile long course. (See Jean Rathle's GPS track at that very bottom of this article) With a flood tide and a tail wind for the start it looked like the course records might be in jeopardy. It was however the same wind and tide that would be pushing against the paddlers as they tried to make their way home.

jeremy can stand up paddling his SUP

And over on the long course it was Jeramie Vane (pictured at right) making it home in blazing speed on his 12'6" Boga raceboard. So fast in fact that he was first overall besting the first place Outrigger Canoe of Les Scanlan by 30 seconds. Sticking with the OC's it was Barry McKeown returning to the water in fine form after a long time off the water. Mckeown's 1 hour 20 minute and 45 second time was good for second place and we know that after some training tie Scanlan will need to watch his back for the charging McKeown. Second place for the men's SUP 12'6" featured the ongoing battle between Everpaddle's Kevin Seid and Jean Rathle in a set up of a rematch of last races 1 second victory by Rathle. Once again it was Rathle taking second place from the Seid and once again by a scant 1 second delta! Janet Walp made an on the water decision to swap to the Long Course and a good decision it was as she took home the top spot for the Women's Long Course in a 1 hour 28 minute and 47 second time.

In an egregious oversight at the award ceremony we missed handing out Tom Sher's first place for his win in the Surfski class. Nice paddling Tom, (pictured below) and we have your loot here at the shop.

Tom Sher making his Surf Ski Move!

Bob Cooper (pictured below) paddles the Necky Vector 13 to top honors.

Bob Cooper in the groove.

Boga Paddleboards once again came home in first place in the 14 foot division with Dave Meyler making it back first in class and third overall in the fleet. Fred Anderson took second and Kent Altman took third for the 14 footers. For the master's 12'6" men Steve Smith took the win and the pretty board of the race award as well. Bruce Albhom powered his Jimmy Lewis Slice to second place with Steve Hunt rounding out the top three. (Pictured below Les Scanlan and "Boga" Dave Meyler locked in battle at the turn)

Les Scanlan Outrigger Canoe and David Meyler Stand Up paddling

Cathy Huang in perfect SUP Form!

On the short course side of the action it was Teresse Marie Tucker powering her 14 foot SUP to a first place victory with Karen Growney paddling hard enough to take second. For the 12'6" Fleet it was Cathy Huang in familiar territory – first place. Huang (pictured at left in perfect form I might add) powered her NSP Coco Mat to a 35 minute and 43 second time. Hilary Anderson took second with Sumi Kaga completing the podium in third place. (pictured below the fleet on the move!)

For the Surfboards it was Bill McCullough the class of the field. Team Deisinger added to their podium finishes on the day with Dennis (dad) taking second. Third place went to Linda Haggerty who powered her Jimmy Lewis Cruise Control around the course in 40 minutes exactly!

The turing point looms - The Marin Islands

Culley Deisinger putting the hammer down and smiling while doing it!

The Junior fleet saw a repeat performance by Everpaddle team rider Shan Rathle as he cruised to the overall win. Cully Deisinger (Pictured at right) however put Rathle on notice. Deisinger was pushing his Starboard 12'6' hard and it showed in a fast 39 minute and 17 second time good for second place. Paddle of the day honors however have to go to Chase Prichard. In Prichard's first ever race he completed the course with a powerful charge at the finish line as the crowd cheered him on – good for a third place result – Nice Work Chase!

The San Rafael Police department supports Stand Up Paddleboarding - THANKS GUYS!

A special thanks has to go out to the San Rafael Police Department (pictured at left) who had two boats on the water for water safety – THANKS! Also a thank you shout out to Mark Guelfi and driver Alan for driving Protector #3. Support the businesses that support our sport and in this case that means Whole Foods Market San Rafael. With the super fuel Engine 2 Vegan diet served up for breakfast and bountiful burritos for lunch it was the usual cornucopia of goodness Whole Foods style. Need a sugar free way to wash it down? Hint Water was there to make that happen; Thanks Hint! Also thanks to Captain Ron – Ron Steinau that is – who wielded his camera in to all the tasty photos you see here. See more of those photos, and download them free – click here.

Whole Foods also announced a unique way to help undeveloped countries and the Entrepreneurs who live there through their Whole Planet foundation. And you can help too. This Saturday March 2nd the Foundation is hosting a dinner to help raise funds to provide micro loans to entrepreneurs in these under developed countries. A tasty meal with some champagne lubrication while helping a good cause – we'll be there! Click here for more information

Hint Water Supports Stand Up Paddling

A couple of items for you to take note of:

1. Be Safe and get CPR Certified – This Thursday Feb 28th 6pm – Click Here for more information

2. SUP Race Clinic with Nikki Gregg, David Wells, and Taylor Robertson March Click More Info

3. Whole Foods Paddle Race # 2 – March 17th - More Info click here

4. Full Photo Gallery - CLICK HERE ( Thanks Capt Ron!)


Thanks to everyone who paddled and looking forward to great season in front of us!

Pictured below Makrk Guelfi who left it all on the race course!

Mark Guelfi on the SIC X14 SUP

Pictured below Janet Walp on the return.

Janet Walp - Nice Stroke

Pictured below outrigger paddler Les Scanlan at left and Barry McKeown at right.

Les Scanlan and Barry Mckeown Outrigger Canoe paddling

Below Men's Short Course Top 3 in 12'6" division. Left to Right Vincent Huang 3rd, Pete Rudnick 2nd, and Steve Elliot 1st place.

Vincent Huang, Pete Rudnick and Steve Elliot Stand up paddlers

Below Women's Short Course 14 footers. At left second place Karen Growney and your winner Terresse Marie Tucker.

Karen Growney and Terresse Marie Tucker SUP Racers!

Below Women's 12'6' SUP. Left - Hillary Anderson 2nd place,Cathy Huang 1st place at right. Not pictured 3rd place Sumi Kaga.

Hilary Andersen and Cathy Huang Stand Up Paddle short course winners

Below Men's Short Course 14' Top 3. Left to right - Third place Rich Broderson, Second Place Randy Nelson, First Place James Subido.

Rich Brodeson, Randy Nelson, and James Subido 14ft Stand Up paddleboard podium

Below Men's Masters Long Course top 3 Left to Right -Steve Hunt 3rd place, Bruce Albhom 2nd Place, Steve Smith first place

SUP racers Steve Hunt,Bruce Albhom, and Steve Smith

Below Men's Long Course 14ft Podium Left to Right - Ken Altman 3rd place, Fred Andersen 2nd Place, Dave Meyler 1st place.

Men's 14ft Stand up paddleboard podium Ken Altman, Fred Anderson, Dave Meyler

Below Men's 12'6' Long Course Podium Left to Right 2nd place Jean Rathle, 1st Place Jeremy Vane, 3rd Place Kevin Seid

Mens 12'6' Stand Up Paddleboard Jean Rathle, Jeremy Vane, Kevin Seid

Next race March 17th and then May 5th!!! Paddle on. Below is Jean Rathles GPS Data.